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Antelope canyon, Arizona |
The most beautiful Antelope canyon are considered the pride of Americans. There are a lot of unusually picturesque canyons in the western United States.
Where is Antelope Canyon located?
Today we will talk briefly about the small Antelope Canyon. It is considered one of the main attractions of Arizona and is located at an altitude of 1,129 meters above sea level.
This is the most picturesque place in the state, where tourists love to take unique photographs. In addition, it is of interest to connoisseurs of geological formations of natural origin. Should You Go to Antelope Canyon, Arizona?
Antelope Canyon in Arizona
The best time to visit this attraction is summer, the canyon is especially magnificent in the morning hours (from 10 to 12), when the sun's rays touch the walls of the canyon, which have a velvety red color. The dream of every tourist, being in the canyon, is to see a ray of the sun and take a photo of it.
Ticket prices to visit Antelope Canyon range from $50 to $100. They are distributed by the Indians, as excursions are organized on their lands and the subscription purchased for excursions to American national parks is not relevant there.
Description of Antelope Canyon
This is an unusual geological formation, which is located near the city of Page (Arizona). In the Navajo language, the name translates as "water flowing down a rocky gorge."
The inner walls of this small canyon are made of Navajo sandstone, which has a pink hue and resembles the skins of young antelope. It looks great underground, in the twilight, when it's a sunny day on the surface. Antelope Canyon is divided into two parts, which are geographically located at a short distance from each other:
- The Upper Antelope Canyon is somewhat wider than the Lower Antelope Canyon, which is convenient for tourists. Because of this feature, it is more famous, and in order to get here on excursions, you should purchase a tour in advance. Here you can safely move without climbing stairs. The length of the Upper Antelope Canyon is about 200 meters, and its depth is 37 meters!
- The lower Antelope canyon is represented by beautiful halls with unusually shaped walls. This form was formed under the influence of natural phenomena (wind, water, earthquakes). The length of the Lower Antelope Canyon is much longer and is 407 meters.
This crevice is practically not visible from the highway laid nearby, therefore, often, tourists do not immediately notice it. Sometimes a squally wind rises in the desert and the descent into the crevice is filled with sand, which is why it is almost invisible.
It is not recommended to be near the lower Antelope canyon without a guide, because there are rocks of dubious strength that are capable of collapsing even under light weight. Given the fact that the deepest point of the canyon is about 20 meters, a fall can be fatal.
Previously, it was possible to descend into the canyon with the help of rope ladders, now metal structures have been built there, which greatly simplifies the task.
There is no exact information about the formation of this object of nature. According to many, the canyon owes its birth to an underground river, which dried up over time, and this explains the fact that for a long time part of the canyon was hidden underground.
Due to seismic activity, over time, a crevice formed and the canyon became accessible to the winds, which over the centuries ideally polished its walls. Rains played an important role in the creation of the object of nature, under the influence of which erosion appeared on the walls of the canyon. As a result, tourists can see the Antelope Canyon in all its glory, with unique camps and unusual interior views.
The formation of a natural object is not finished even today. There is an assumption that by the end of the process, the walls of the canyon may finally crumble and fill it up. However, there is another opinion that over time this unusual crevice will transform into a huge canyon.
How to get to the canyon
The entrance to the canyon is located in the state of Arizona, which is known for desert areas where sandstorms often occur. Due to drifts, tourists cannot always find the entrance to this unusual natural site. On the map, the entrance is four miles east of Highway 98, between the small town of Page and the power plant. It is important to turn in the right place, as there are practically no signs here, except for a small hut and a small sign with handwritten text on it.
How to get to the Upper Canyon
Moving east from the town of Page (about 6 kilometer), under favorable weather conditions, at the turn to the entrance you can see the power plant - this is a kind of landmark. The signs are a pair of handwritten signs that differ from standard US signs. It is better to first get to the Upper Antelope Canyon, it is easier to get to it, the necessary turn is quite noticeable. You should focus on a small hut, which presents a lot of souvenirs.
It is very easy to get from the Upper Antelope Canyon to the Lower Antilope Canyon. There is a straight path here, without any turns, so it's hard to make a mistake. In addition, you can always use the services of one of the guides.
It is important to remember that the canyon is located on the land of the Navajo Indian tribe and is their property. Therefore, without purchasing a special pass (ticket), you should not try to get here.
Travel Precautions
When descending, you should be extremely careful and carefully look under your feet. There are snakes that take shelter from the hot sun. When it rains, the visit to the canyon should be postponed, because it may be partially filled with water. It is important to have a hat and goggles with you. These items will protect your hair and eyes from sand.The mesmerizing beauty of Antelope Canyon can also be treacherous. In 1998, a terrible event happened in this place: a group of tourists got into a storm, which arose quite suddenly and 11 travelers (out of 12) died.
Interesting Facts:
This unusual place has left its mark on American art. Antelope Canyon is often used during filming, in addition, the clip of the popular American singer Britney Spears was filmed here.