What is a Diversity Visa?
The annual Diversity Immigration Program, also known as the green card lottery and mandated by the American Congress, provides citizens of countries with a low number of immigrants to the United States each year with the chance to obtain 55,000 immigrant visas by random selection method. The winners of the lottery must meet the necessary education and/or work conditions and fulfill other requirements in order to obtain a visa.
Persons who meet the proficiency requirements, which are limited by some simple but strict rules, can benefit from the DV program organized every year. The winners of the DV program are determined by a random draw by the computer. Visas are divided among six geographical regions, and no country in these regions may exceed seven percent of the total number of visas to be issued in the relevant year.
How to Apply?
To apply, please visit: usgreencardoffice.com
Are You a "Winner"?
Applicants will learn the results of their applications by entering the approval numbers given to them after submitting their electronic application to the "Participant Status Check" page on https://www.dvlottery.com/
If you did not win the lottery, you can apply again in the coming years.
Submitting Your Forms to KCC:
Once you know you have won the DV lottery, follow the instructions on the Participant Status Check page and submit the requested forms to the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC).
See also: